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From the Begining

I have lost count of how many cameras I have owned over the last 60 years but those I fondly remember are listed below.

As well as these, I have owned a number of point and shoot and always own a quality compact camera for when I am out and about and not wanting to carry an SLR. My current compact is a Canon G7X.

Back in the late 1960's I was also very keen on super 8mm cine film. I then owned a Dixons own brand camera with a Eumig projector and editing kit.  An example is this of Margate in 1969 

I then bought a monster Sony video camera in the 1980s costing over £1000 which was an expensive purchase then. The camera was huge compared to todays technology. 

My real love for photography has, and always will be, still image but more recently I have 'played' in the video field with a Dji Drone through which I have learnt a great deal about video editing using the Davinci Resolve editing suite. Some examples of the video are here.



Kodak Brownie 127 roll film 1950s

In the early 1960's I remember having a Kodak Brownie 127 roll film camera. It probably came from a village jumble sale or may even have been my Mum's. It was made of Bakelite.

Agfa Iso Rapid 1 - 1965

My First Ever 35mm Camera.
An Agfa ISO - Rapid I.  It came as a kit with a flash and blue flash bulbs.
A Christmas present from my Uncle Ernie costing £5 and 5 Shillings
In todays money, that is around £136.


Kodak instamatic 1972

Early 1970's I lost a little interest (probably due to girls) and moved to a convenient format being the Kodak Pocket Instamatic

Canon_AE-1 35mm SLR_1976_To_1984

Mid 1970's I moved back to a more serious camera,
the 35mm SLR Canon AE-1 

Canon A-1
In 1978 as soon as it was released I purchased the Canon A-1
A 35mm Film Camera
The Canon A-1 was the first SLR in history to offer a full Program mode, allowing the camera to choose both the shutter speed and aperture and thus allowing the user to concentrate completely on getting the shot.  
I was a very active member of a Camera Club when I purchased this but it was seen as something other than a photographers camera as it was automatic with little skill needed technically.
This camera was to be my pride and joy for many years. 
Canon EOS 1X 1996
In 1996 for some reason I moved away from 35mm to the new format of APS and purchased the Canon EOS 1X which was a smaller format and smaller in the hand.


Canon 20D

2004 I purchased my first Digital SLR.
It had just an 8.2 Megapixel Sensor.
This started a faster journey to keep up with the best available resolution and sensor size.


Canon 40D Aug 2007
In 2007 I purchased the Canon EOS 40D a digital SLR 
with a 10.1 Megapixel Sensor


2009 I moved to the Canon EOS 7D another APS Digital SLR
This had an 18 megapixel APS-C Sensor


2014 that got an upgrade to the Canon EOS 7D MII
This had the worlds fastest APS-C Camera with a 
20Megapixel CMOS Sensor 


My first Full Frame DSLR came in 2017 with the
Canon EOS 6D MkII 
This had a 26 Megapixel CMOS Sensor


Canon EOS R
Then came Canons first full frame Mirrorless DSLR with the
Canon EOS R which I purchased in 2018
This was a 30 megapixel sensor



Canon R5
Loving the EOS R so much I made what could be my final upgrade to the Professional level Canon EOS R5 
This has a 45 Megapixel Sensor

Shortly after purchasing it I 
tripped over and badly damaged it.
Every camera that I have previously owned, I have never had a scratch on them when I have sold them in a condition 'as good as new', so I was gutted to be damaging what was the best camera I had ever owned and possibly the one that had to last me the rest of my photographic days.

I was so upset to have damaged the camera, that I purchased another body immediately whilst my heart was still aching and my wife Chris was suggesting I should replace it with a new one. She knew I would never be happy owning a damaged camera.
The repair cost £1500 but I now have two EOS R5 bodies!


Contact Details

Landscape Photographer based in Aylesford Kent UK


Mobile:   07502 353486

Landscape Photography by John Gilham

All content copyright © 2023 John Gilham - Photography

© Copyright John Gilham 2023
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